Shift your API security left with complete visibility

Get a comprehensive and continuous inventory of all your APIs and their security risks with Apiiro’s code-based API security testing.


A proactive approach to API security

With real-time visibility into every code change, Apiiro allows you to surface API components vulnerable to misconfigurations, code logic flaws, and common coding errors — before they’re deployed.


API security testing for modern apps

Integrate API security into your application security program to proactively identify API risks early and with every code change.

Connect Apiiro to your SCM to get real-time API visibility

Inventory every API and analyze the history of API changes to create an audit trail and map your attack surface.

Apiiro’s Risk Graph connects identified APIs to all associated application and runtime components to automatically perform data flow analysis and identify potential sensitive data exposure.

Automatically trigger processes when new APIs and risks are identified

By tracking every material change, Apiiro is able to identify new sensitive APIs, PII exposure, or other risks in real time.

Apiiro’s Risk Control Plane provides automated workflows and developer guardrails to enable you to address API risks earlier in the development lifecycle with the production context you need to properly prioritize risk and minimize false positives.

Secure your APIs in code

Learn about Apiiro’s proactive approach to API security testing with a live demo, or learn more about our platform.