Gartner® Innovation Insight for Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)

Download the report to learn core capabilities and uses for Application Security Posture Mangement (ASPM), and what to keep in mind when evaluating solutions.

As modern applications become more complex, interconnected, and distributed, they become exponentially harder to secure. Application security posture management (ASPM) has emerged to help, providing security and development teams with a single solution to make application security more effective and efficient.

The 2023 Gartner® Innovation Insight report provides a comprehensive look at the new application security posture management (ASPM) category, predicting that “by 2026, over 40% of organizations developing proprietary applications will adopt ASPM to more rapidly identify and resolve application security issues.”

Get a complimentary copy of the Innovation Insight for ASPM to learn:

  • How the ASPM category has evolved from application security orchestration and correlation (ASOC) and other solutions to integrate AppSec tooling across the full software development life cycle (SDLC).
  • Why ASPM is the answer for organizations struggling to successfully eliminate application security silos, operationalize enforcement of application security controls, and improve prioritization and triage of application risks at scale.
  • What the key ASPM capabilities include, such as testing orchestration and correlation, root cause identification, and remediation, and additional capabilities to consider for when looking for right solutions.

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Get a demo or learn more about Apiiro’s deep ASPM.