Modern Software Supply Chain Security: Integrated, Interconnected, and Context-Driven

Modern software supply chains are multidimensional, interconnected and complex. So is risk.

Siloed software supply chain security (SSCS) solutions leave gaps and lack the context necessary to focus on and fix the highest business impact risks. To make SSCS more effective and efficient, we need a solution that is connected to other application security solutions and integrated deeply into our AppSec programs.

In this session, you’ll learn what a holistic approach to SSCS requires, including a comprehensive inventory of your supply chain, connecting risks across the development lifecycle, and leveraging code-to-runtime context to prioritize risks.

We’ll provide examples of “toxic combinations” between different types of supply chain risks that leave organizations exposed to supply chain attacks, and the key components you should look for in a modern SSCS solution.

This webinar originally aired as a sponsored webinar on Dark Reading.

Learn about Apiiro’s deep ASPM platform

Apiiro unifies application risk assessment, visibility, prioritization, and remediation with deep code analysis and runtime context. Meet with our team of experts to learn about our:

  • Application and software supply chain inventory and SBOM
  • Material change detection and developer behavior analysis
  • Alert prioritization based on code-to-runtime context
  • Automated remediation workflows and developer guardrails
  • Single risk control plane for assessment and reporting
  • Native AppSec and SSCS solutions